Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Before 1 July 2003, Russia was one of the four countries of the world and one of the two European countries (at the moment - Armenia), which acted not necessarily "avtograzhdanka. All over the world have long been accustomed to the fact that life without a special sticker on the front glass and the policy of compulsory motor insurance is as unthinkable as driving without the rights of regular maintenance.
Liability insurance began to develop in the thirties of the XX century due to the sharp increase in the number of victims of car accidents on the roads of the USA and Europe. At the present time such insurance is in almost all countries around the world. In the USSR, the introduction of voluntary insurance of civil liability of owners of motor vehicles was introduced only in 1991.
«Green Card» was founded in Europe in 50 years to facilitate the smooth movement of vehicles across the borders of funds and to obtain reimbursement for victims of accidents involving cars entering the country. To date, the number of participants in the system increased from 13 to 44 countries. The "green card" includes almost all European, as well as a number of Mediterranean and North African countries.
International Green Card System was introduced in 1953, after most European countries have adopted laws on compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners. The first policies were mandatory avtostrahovok green - hence the name. Subsequently it was used in the system of international treaties on mutual recognition of the policy of compulsory insurance avtograzhdanki. Currently, "Green Card" is a prerequisite for the entry of foreign citizens in the cars in the country, in this system.
And now a little on the prices of «avtograzhdanku».
For example, in Germany, the owner of a golf-car class, which in three years than are involved in an accident, pays for the policy of the euro in the 1000-1200 year. At a more expensive car insurance costs from 3700 euros per year. In Italy, the cost of "avtograzhdanku" depend not only on the class of car, engine capacity, the experience of the driver, but even his sex - women are granted a discount because it is believed that they drive more carefully.
Today, mandatory liability insurance is valid in the 45 U.S. states. In five states the existence of such insurance need - in the rest of the state law requires the driver to the existence of at least the minimum insurance package. Worth it, depending on the location of the driver $ 500 to $ 1000 per year. However, the conditions of insurance, in particular the minimum amount of insurance coverage and the value of insurance premiums, vary widely from state to state. In one state the owner of the car is not even able to register without mandatory insurance, the other - with you and will not require anyone to submit an insurance policy before the first accident or offense. Rates for insurance in the United States outside the State, and often determined by insurance companies. The amount of annual fee calculated on a complex pattern of points and bonuses, taking into account the cost of car insurance and driver's history over the past year.
The basic parameters of insurance coverage, which provides insurance in the U.S. are determined by three numbers - the value of the maximum recovery of physical and moral damages for each victim, the amount of payment to all those affected by the accident and the money of the material damage. Depending on the state minimum sum of insurance compensation can range from $ 10 thousand tys./20 / 5 thousand in Mississippi to $ 50 tys./100 tys./25 thousands in the state of Maine.
AGO insurance rates are generally set at the state level. Moreover, in most countries, auto liability insurance is only one goskompaniey. In Eastern Europe, to the definition of the limit of liability, each country has come in its own way. In the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary have established mandatory unlimited coverage, which is auto liability insurance policy and there is always fully cover the damage caused to third parties. In Poland, Croatia and Slovenia, the minimum coverage is comparable to the real cost of disaster repair and the price of medical services. But in Latvia and Ukraine established the minimum level of coverage is extremely low and does not provide adequate compensation to victims.
Cover the losses of private individuals in the "Green Card" unlimited in Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom, Finland and Norway. In other countries the coverage is very uneven: more than $ 36 million - in Sweden, more than $ 10 million - in Denmark, about $ 2 million - in Switzerland, $ 1 million - in the Netherlands, $ 880 thousand - in Italy, $ 580 thousand - in Germany, $ 113 Thousands - in Spain. All coverage applies to damage caused by passengers carried, including the family members responsible policyholder. Coatings are not limited to property damage only in Belgium and Luxembourg. In other countries, limits are also very scattered. Starting with $ 36 million - in Sweden to $ 32 thousand - in Spain. They are: Denmark and Switzerland - about $ 2 million, Austria - $ 900 thousand, France - $ 511 thousand, United Kingdom - $ 370 thousand, Germany - $ 231 thousand
In many countries (eg Belgium, Ireland, United Kingdom, Spain and Finland) there is no special requirement on the responsibility of motorists. Responsibility of the driver is determined by the provisions of the Penal Code and is based on the principle of culpability, which must be proved by the plaintiff. On the contrary, in many other countries adopted a special provision that relieves the victim from having to prove the guilt of the driver. The system, based on presumed guilt - in Italy, with the objective responsibility - in Austria, Denmark, France, Greece, Norway, Sweden, in some cases, within the limit of the sums in some countries (Germany), and only for bodily injury (in Spain and Finland ).
• Almost all markets in the "green card" organized system of discount / premium to the prize for passing a bad policy, which allows you to raise or reduce the premium, depending on road accidents claimed the insured (the system of bonus-malus). Maximal rates improve greatly varies from country to country (from +65% to +250%), as well as the reduction factor, which varies from -20% to -75%. In all countries, the state or the social authorities are charging a premium fee of compulsory insurance of civil liability for various interest rates (which can reach 50%, such as in Denmark).
• Everywhere except the United Kingdom, the third person injured, have a right of direct action against the insurer of the defendant. In principle, the insured shall as soon as possible to declare a road accident, the insurer. The application must be made within 3 days in Italy, 5 days - in France, 7 days - in Spain and 8 days - in Belgium. Belgium - based on the commitments made by insurers in France - through legislation, mandatory civil liability of the insurer to make the persons affected by the accident and the injured, a proposal for compensation or provisional payment of compensation within three months after the accident.
• It is worth noting that even in countries where such obligations in the legislation or the contract does not specify dates eliminate the majority of losses on the short. For example, in Germany at 75% of cases (property damage and / or bodily injury), recovery occurs within two months after the road accident, and in 85% of cases - within 6 months. • In some countries (Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, etc.), trade unions, insurers have created bodies of reconciliation OMBUDSMAN, to try to resolve disputes that may arise between the insured and third parties affected by the accident. In general, road accidents are rarely the cause of recourse against the insurer, at least, because of property damage, which in the vast majority of cases settled through peaceful means.
• In some countries, "Green Card" (for example, Belgium, Netherlands, United Kingdom), insurance agents are the main distributors of insurance of cars. In Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy and Switzerland are mainly insurance agents associated with the insurance companies. In France, car insurance, or distributed through related insurance companies representatives, or directly through insurance companies, without intermediaries. " In the Nordic countries, except of representatives of insurance companies, car insurance is sold directly by the insurer or through vendors Road (in Norway and Sweden), as well as through insurance agents, whose role has increased in Denmark and Finland. Finally, it should be emphasized the importance of new methods of sale (direct sale by telephone), which are becoming more common, along with new forms of management of the car insurance that best utilize the most advanced technology in the field of informatics.
*** The idea of compulsory liability insurance car came back in Soviet times - in the distant 1924, but then the next conversation did not get. Think of "avtograzhdanke" and in the 60's, when such laws were adopted in Europe, but feared to act as "rot in the capitalist West."
As shown by the UN, the world's roads each year kills nearly 300 thousand people and nearly 7.5 million are injured. Of these, more than 30 thousand dead - the Russians.

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